*03* The type of business you described above, requires the following types of licenses and tax ids. A seller's permit, a business license, and a DBA certificate. Thet that you sell, buy wholesale or sell retail, and you need to report your sales, subjects you to sales tax reports.However, it is that you DEAL in taxable items that requires the obtainment of a seller's permit. The business occupational tax imposed upon all business, obliges you to get a business license certificate and also renew it every year by paying an annual dollar amount flat rate tax in most cases based on your gross income and or number of employees and or the particular location your business is situated and operates. For example, an office in downtown is taxed differently than a home-based business in a suburb and a professional, such as an architect very differently in tax asssessments from an iron works shop. The DBA doing business as filing is normally a state law that was enacted to protect the public from possible fraud. For example, you need to register a fictitious business name used because a business may start and collect money up front from many customers and then "fly away in the night... fly-by-night type of situation. In such case, then only thing would be known is the business name. If a doing business as certificate was filed and was on record with the clerk, the victims of fraud have a recourse, namely, they could go and search and find out who the owner of the business was and file appropriate law suits to recover their money plus possible damages. From the above, you may first ask... do i need a tax id number application form or a business license application form to apply and get all your required licenses in one easy move... and you are partially right, you can do this on this website - i.e., you can obtain all required documents, licenses, permits, and tax ids to start your business.. We understand what you need and have all the license application forms you need to start your business legally. You case, based on the info you provided, is easy because you are a sole proprietor and youare not employing any workers. However, the taxable merchandise that you sell requires a seller's permitto report and pay taxes. With that in mind, you need to apply for a fictitious business name. Then, because all business licenses are required to register for business taxes, you need to apply and get a business license as well as a seller's permit. The trade name registration is required because you are using a fictitious business name. The purpose is to protect the public from fly by night companies that hide behind a DBA ( doing business as) to collect money and disappear. So the answer to the question above is that because you don't have any employees, and you are dealing or selling products or merchandise that requires the collections of sales tax, you only need a couple of business permits and tax ids to start. For example, you need to get a seller's permit and a business license, also called a home occupation permit or simply a business occupational tax license. The business license is almost always required by at least one level of government whether that is the federal, state, county or city government.It is also called a federal registration, state professionallicense or tax registration, county premises inspection alicensing or municipal tax registration or permit as well as a business personal property tax on your business equipment. Other than that, you will need to file a DBA and register your business trade name if you use a fictitious business name doing business as (DBA) as your trade name. If you decide to be a partnership, you must identify it to the IRS with a business tax id number and that is a federal tax id number and you can, also, use it instead of you social security number to open a bank account. Finally, after all the facts about your licenses above, you should consider forming an LLC or incorporating to avoid legal, civil, and tax liability. Generally, an LLC is a legal entity of choice and it subsitutes substantially insurance for business liability. You need to do it right right from the start. Get an LLC formation or Incorporate here online. Since you need to to register a fictitious business name because you use a trade name to operate and or promote your business, you need a fictitious business name registration. Instead of registering a fictitious business name, you can simply incorporate or form and LLC. The latter two protect your from lawsuits vs your personal assets such as your house, automobile and other precious personal property or real estate you might own. A DBA registration is required for your use of a trade name but does nothing to protect your personal assets nor does it protect the name that is registered. An LLC or Corporation at least protect the name from others registering it at the state lever. I.e., other LLCs or Corporation cannot use your business name. A Fictitious business name does not protect your trade name against others who want to use it in commerce. You can apply and get all licenses on this website. We have the lowest prices in the industry and we are quick and professional. Most of our clients recommend us to others. In fact 40% of our business derives from referrals. Also, keep in mind that our prices include all filing fees, notarization and legal newspaper publication. Start Your Business Today by Getting All Required Licenses Here Online. |